Who We Are?
I am Kelly Hayes and founder of Offshore Duck Dogs. Swimming was always a passion of mine growing up. So when it came time to choose a dog breed, I knew I needed one that would love the water as much as I did. Offshore Duck Dogs is located in Southwest Florida. Our pack lives as part of the household on a spacious 4 acres of land.

Our Experience in Dogs

Snoopy & I Winning Best Junior

Nalu in HER pool!
My sister and I were born and raised at the dog shows. My parents have been breeding and showing Chows very successfully since the 80’s under the prefix Kelin. With limited breeding and showing they have had 3 BIS and 5 BISS show winning dogs including Kody ~ BIS BISS GCH Kelin’s There Can Be Only One, the winningest Cream Chow in the history of the breed. All Breeder/Owner/Handled by my mom.
Besides the knowledge I gained first hand from my parents, I had the most amazing mentor in Nancy Mulligan of Tri-M Bassets. The knowledge she shared with me has been invaluable. I had the pleasure of co-owning and piloting one of her Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, CH Tri-M’s Hairy Pointer Pineark to #1 All-breed in 2007. I have been fortunate enough to have incredible mentors and I couldn’t thank them enough.
My first ring experience was as early as five years old exhibiting my sister’s Silky Terrier Miata at matches and in the breed ring. At nine years old I was gifted a beagle named snoopy, he was my first official dog. I was solely responsible for his care, training and showing. I finished Snoopy by myself and I enjoyed showing him in the JRs ring garnering several Best Juniors along the way. Snoopy was my first experience with loving my own dog and we had a lot of fun together! Throughout my school years swimming competitively took the forefront, however just before graduating High School I brought home Nalu, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Nalu (CH Silvercreek’s Kokoleka Nalu) brought me back to dog shows and dog sports after nine years of competitive swimming. She loved the water more than I ever had as a swimmer, just the word pool would send her into a frenzy of excitement. She was one of kind, the perfect companion for a retired swimmer. Nalu gave me my first Bredby CH, Read ~ CH Kelin’s Hide the Rum as well as two more of Read’s litter mates, Davie & Bonnie. Although I did not stay involved in Chesapeakes the breed is still very dear to my heart.

Mom & Kody

Hairy & I in the Sporting Group
Our Involvement in the Breed

Baby Evie
I had long admired the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, seeing them at shows often. One dog in particular caught my eye and I absolutely fell in love. Decoy owned by Honeyrun Tollers was my first obsession and he is behind all of my dogs. In 2009 Eve joined our family and cemented my love for this breed. She was my heart dog and my photography muse. Although she never had progeny of her own I still consider her the first brick in the foundation that built Offshore Duck Dogs.
My first Toller litter was born in 2014, three dogs from the litter went on to become AKC Champions, two of them from the Bred-by Exhibitor Class, and all of them are loving members of their families. We have some of our titled dogs listed on our Offshore Title Holder page and I am hoping to add a page/gallery of our Offshore Tollers enjoying their families.

Madeline my first BBE Champion
Our Goals
We strive to be Ambassadors of our Breed
Happy & Healthy Family Companions
Support for life. Every Offshore Toller owner becomes Family
Tollers that fit the Breed Standard
Versatile Tollers that have the potential to Excel in any Venue